It’s time to step into your calling!

Get ready to turn your passion for birth & postpartum into a fulfilling career that allows you to guide women into motherhood… while building a legacy for your family & community at the same time!

Hey, aspiring doula & educator — does this sound like you?

You’re totally obsessed with pregnancy, birth, and babies. You’ve read all the birth books 📚, binged all the birth podcasts 🎙, and your newsfeed is overflowing with birth pictures 📸…

Birth has transformed you (even if you haven’t given birth yet yourself), and you want to give women the support they crave while helping them achieve their autonomous, kickass, fearless dream births.

You see so clearly how the birth industry is broken… and you want to help women avoid the all-too-common cascade of interventions that leads to unnecessary trauma.

And even though you want to be a doula with your whole heart, you don’t want to “sell” your services or hustle to find clients.

You don’t want to pass out your business cards or sit through cliquey networking events…. instead, you’d rather show up authentically and have your dream clients reaching out to you!

I mean, who wouldn’t?!

But even though there’s an undeniable fire in your soul that’s calling you into birthwork… maybe some thoughts have been crossing your mind like:

→ How you’ll stand out when you’re starting from scratch, and there are already a million other doulas out there…

→ How you’ll navigate being on call when you have small children of your own…

→ What it would be like not spending time with your family or skipping out on family vacations to attend births…

→ How you’ll make enough money to pay off your doula training, pay your bills, and quit your day job.

Trust me when I say this… We’ve all been there!

I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to choose between becoming a birthworker and building your dream life…

You don’t have to sit on the sidelines because you can’t attend a million births per month or because you don’t want to leave your nursing baby at home.

You can be a doula AND…

🏡 Stay home with your kids... 💰 Make a life-changing income…. 🌏 Travel the world... 🎸 Be a rockstar homeschooling mom... 🗓 Have a predictable, stable schedule…

And when you join Birthworker Academy, you’re getting my entire step-by-step framework, so you won’t spend a single second thinking, “Wait, what am I supposed to do next?

Instead, you’ll be saying, “I know exactly how to show up in the world to attract my dream client. I know exactly how to support my client’s birth & postpartum in the best way possible. And I feel confident showing up as an expert and sharing my passion and knowledge with women across the world.

Before Birthworker Academy, women all over the world would finish their training and burn out FAST from a ❌ lack of boundaries,lack of structure,and a complete lack of foundational knowledge…

But that won’t be your story… because our students are:

⭐️ Only saying “yes” to perfectly aligned clients…

⭐️ Confidently supporting women in a variety of birth settings — homebirth, hospital birth, birth center, you name it!

⭐️ Creating packages that don’t always require them to be on call...

⭐️ Building authentic businesses that fit their values and lifestyle goals…

⭐️ Never attending a birth out of financial desperation…

⭐️ Creating thriving authentic communities in person and online

⭐️ Expanding their impact by hosting workshops and teaching childbirth education programs…

— And you can too!

The question is no longer, “Is it possible?

The question is: Are you ready to get started?!

Aspiring to be a…

Birth Doula? Postpartum Doula? Birth Coach? Or Childbirth Educator?

We’ve trained them all!

👇🏻 Click the videos to learn how Birthworker Academy changed their lives!

If anyone is on the fence about being a birthworker, YOU’RE MEANT TO BE A BIRTHWORKER!

This program found me when I needed it most. Since I started the program, it gave me such a clear idea of what I want the rest of my life to look like. 

In the beginning, I wasn’t sure if it was the right time for me financially, but there was something in me that knew that waiting wasn’t going to help. And I’m so glad every day that I joined. 

It has really changed my life. If you’re on the fence, JUST DO IT!

— Allie Rezac

I swear she could have charged, like $10,000 for this program because of how valuable it was!

The Birthworker Academy has made such a profound difference in my life. I’m doing things right now that I never thought I’d be doing. I’m actually a practicing doula!

I have six clients right now and it’s only been a month since the program! It’s really cool to be doing the things I set out to do — and it happened so fast! 

And I think that’s because of how the program sets you up for success. 

— Taylor Tanner

I needed a program that taught me not only HOW to be a doula, but how to build a business too.

The biggest win for me was being able to go through all the modules and not be overwhelmed by them. There is A LOT of content in the program, but it’s in bite-sized chunks which is huge for me because I get overwhelmed easily. 

I was able to breeze through the program before the 15 weeks were up!

— Tiffany Wangard

✨Welcome to Birthworker Academy✨

The only Doula Training & Childbirth Educator Certification Program that will teach you everything you need to know about…


Conscious Leadership

How to become a conscious leader in the birth community and show up for women in a non-triggered way — without bringing your own baggage to the birth room.


Physiological Birth

Everything you need to know about physiological birth, interventions, and evidence-based careso you can confidently support women through every stage.


Full-Spectrum Doula Support

All the ways to support your clients on their journey to motherhood no matter where they plan to give birth or how their story unfolds.


Childbirth Education

How to create a childbirth education program that leads to life-changing results for your clients… especially if you don’t wanna be on call 24/7 until the day you die!

All with the goal of helping you build a completely sustainable birth-focused business that fits YOUR values and lifestyle goals.

Want a sneak peek?

Check out everything you’ll learn inside the program… 👇🏻

Self Mastery For Birthworkers: Valued at $397

Before jumping into all things birth, you’ll start the program by getting up close and uncomfortable with your personal biases.

You can have all the passion in the world, but if you’re bringing your baggage into the birth room, you simply won’t be serving women (no matter how hard you try). If you don’t tackle this pillar first, you’ll be stuck with the industry standard… and if you don’t know yet… we’re living in a maternity care crisis. But you don’t need to worry about that because we’ll make sure you’re on the right track from day one.

In this first module of the program, you’ll begin to understand what it takes to be a conscious leader in the birth community. *Conscious Leader: ‍to be entirely aware of the influence you have over a situation and to be here, now, in a non-triggered, non-reactive way.

We’ll cover topics like empathy, impulse control, and emotional expression, and you will learn how to:

  • Make decisions that are fully aligned with your head, heart, and gut.

  • Be a leader of change without falling into the “us versus them” narrative.

  • Serve women without trying to save women.

  • Support genuine transformation for your clients by listening without attachment.

Full Spectrum Doula Training: Valued at $2,000

Next, we’ll make sure you feel confident supporting women from pre-conception through the fourth trimester. You’ll get a comprehensive education in all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum (taught through a lens of autonomy and trust for the physiological birth process).

This program is in-depth enough for a total newbie and an amazing refresher for the already birth-obsessed.

Get ready to completely level up your knowledge and confidence while also learning how to:

  • Support women in spite of our broken maternity care system.

  • Quickly and easily unpack research and spot researcher bias.

  • Dissect the “high-risk” label with your clients and put the power back in their hands.

  • Help women get the best outcomes with the least amount of intervention.

  • Help your clients avoid an unplanned cesarean.

Plus, we’ll dive into alternative practices like tinctures, herbs, oils, and homeopathy… and also newborn topics like breastfeeding and newborn sleep.

By the end of these lessons, you’ll be able to confidently hold space and support women in a variety of birth environments (and outcomes). 

Full disclosure: this is the part most doula training programs completely miss the mark on — so we decided to make this program completely STACKED with practical lessons. We’ll even chat about:

  • Strategies for bringing your best self to every birth (no matter how it unfolds)...

  • Navigating the doula role in a maternity system overflowing with coercive providers…

  • Exactly how to support birth in all environments: hospital, birth center, homebirth, transfer, unassisted birth, planned cesarean, and more…

  • Ways to recognize urgent situations and what to do as a doula when birth doesn’t go as planned…

  • Supporting a miscarriage, recurring pregnancy loss, stillbirth, newborn loss, and walking with women through grief…

  • How to navigate obstetrical violence, support sexual assault survivors, and help women avoid birth trauma…

Everything You Need to Grow Your In-Person Doula & Childbirth Education Business: Valued at $397

It wouldn’t be a truely life-changing program if I didn’t walk you through every single step of setting up your doula business!

We’ll kick off this pillar by exploring all the different services you can offer as a birthworker, including birth support, postpartum support, virtual support, private birth coaching, placenta encapsulation, virtual support groups, birth photography, and hosting community mother’s circles.

And of course, I’ll help you nail down your offers, set up your packages, and price your services.

Get excited because you’ll also learn:

  • How to promote your services and make connections locally, globally, in person, and online.

  • How to lead consultations, create your contracts, streamline the onboarding process, and avoid burnout in the process.

  • How to structure prenatal appointments with your clients.

  • How to find a backup doula and how to attend births when you have your own babies at home.

Childbirth Educator Training Program & Done-For-You Curriculum: Valued at $2,500

Everything you need to plan, create, and sell your very own childbirth education programs!

✅ How to choose your teaching method — there are SO MANY options (in-person classes, live workshops, prerecorded online courses, e-books, private coaching programs, and more!)… so let me help you choose!

✅ How to name, price, and sell your new childbirth education offer (once you’ve decided on your teaching method, of course).

✅ My step-by-step framework to plan, create, and sell your comprehensive childbirth course in 4 months or less.

✅ All of my best tips for creating a paid workshop, including my 21-Day Roadmap to Hosting Your First Live Workshop on Zoom.

✅ Every piece of tech I used to record and edit a high-quality childbirth education course on a budget.

Plus, Completely Customizable Childbirth Education Curriculum!!!

Because I am 100% committed to making this as easy as possible for you… I’m giving you unlimited lifetime access to my entire DONE-FOR-YOU childbirth education curriculum for you to mix, match, and curate into your perfect childbirth education offer.

Our comprehensive curriculum includes:

  • Easy-to-digest material broken down into multiple modules and lessons… (over 43 different topics!)

  • Word-for-word scripts (easily editable in Google Docs)... 

  • Completely customizable slides in Canva (just add your brand colors)...

  • Dozens (and dozens and dozens) of PDF printouts for your clients and students…

All that’s left to do is record the videos or teach the curriculum live to your students! Yup — you’ve just hit the JACKPOT!

And now, for a LIMITED TIME — you’re also getting access to Weekly Live Coaching inside our Private Community!!

You’re getting access to our exclusive Birthworker Community Membershipfor ONE YEAR for FREE!

Our community is extremely supportive and perfect at holding you accountable for hitting your goals! You can check in daily to ask questions, get feedback on new ideas, learn what’s working (and what’s not!) from others in your field, and build meaningful relationships with like-minded women!

When inside our Birthworker Coaching Community, you’ll get access to:

⭐️ Weekly Zoom Calls — Every week, you’ll be invited to jump on Zoom to mastermind with the other members, get coached by Kyleigh, ask your questions, and learn from your coaches and guest experts.

When you’re not the one being coached, you’ll be amazed at how much you learn from the questions, experiences, and suggestions for others in the hot seat!

⭐️ Access to Our Community on Facebook — Join our exclusive community in a private Facebook group!

Yes, this program is totally for you if…

✅ You trust each woman's inherent wisdom to discover her best path — and you promise never to coerce your clients into making ANY decision…

✅ You don’t want to wait until your kids are grown to become a doula — you’d rather start now so you can retire sooner 😉

✅ You’re new (or new-ish) to birthwork, and you're looking for long-term, sustainable, so-good-it’s-almost-unbelievable success!

✅ You’d love to be a birthworker, but you’re still not sure about living the “on-call” lifestyle 24/7/365 for the rest of your life — you’d rather build your career around your lifestyle and not the other way around!

This is probably not for you if…

❌ You think birth needs “fixing,” and you want to be a “hero” and “save” women… 

❌ You already make over 6-figures in the birth community between your in-person doula services and online coaching offers.

❌ You think it will be easy, or if you just want someone to just do it all for you…

❌ You absolutely hate everything tech-related and aren’t willing to learn practical business skills. (Don’t worry, if you’re not tech-savvy, you’ll love all the tutorial videos!)

❌ You’re the kind of person who blames others and finds an excuse for everything.

Ready to meet your mentor?

👋🏻 Oh, hey! I’m Kyleigh – a doula mentor, business coach, and major birth nerd.

I’m the founder of The Autonomy Mommy, the host of the Birthworker Podcast, and the mastermind behind this Doula Training & Childbirth Educator Certification Program.

I quit my “real job” in 2020 to go full-time doula… and it changed my entire life. In less than three years, I was able to retire my partner and support our family… without being on call 24/7/365 or attending 100+ births a year.

I literally wake up every day pinching myself because I built a wildly successful doula + childbirth education + birth coaching business… AND I’M GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT, TOO!

I promise there will be no details left out. You and me? We’re besties now. You get all of my juicy birth AND business secrets!

You can be the best doula and educator in the world AND create your dream lifestyle simultaneously... And when you join Birthworker Academy, you’ll get there so much faster than you ever imagined.

Check out the amazing things our students are saying about the success they’ve had since joining Birthworker Academy!

What really got me with Birthworker Academy was being able to still do birthwork and not be on call ALL THE TIME.

I have a 17-month-old, so I needed a way to only support 1-2 births per month, but still have income. 

I needed some way to do great things, and do exactly what I want to do… without having to be on call all the time.

This program has really shifted everything about me. 

— Hannah Floyd

I was really drawn to this program because of how well-rounded it is.

Now looking back, after everything I’ve been able to do and what I’ve learned through the program — and I keep learning because I keep going back to it… It’s SO WORTH IT.

It’s worth it and more!  And I would join 10,000 times again.

This is the fourth doula training I’ve done and I really don’t regret it at all. I’m so grateful I was able to be a part of this community.

— Gaby Gonzalez

Birthworker Academy has helped with basically my whole life balance. Now that I’m more clear on my business goals, I can clearly prioritize everything else around me!

Through Birthworker Academy, I was finally able to complete a free mini-course about how to heal from a difficult birth — which is something I’ve been wanting to do for years! 

With the resources from the business portal and the coaching calls, I was finally able to get it done. 

— Alexis Stearns

When You Join Birthworker Academy, You’re Getting…

✨ Lifetime Access to the Virtual Training Library

You’ll LOVE the interactive and fully accessible content library. Scroll through 100+ videos to find exactly what you’re looking for in seconds. The coolest part? Come back whenever you have a question about supporting a client or starting your business and find an answer in *literally seconds*. The program is self-paced, so you can learn when it’s convenient for you, plus it’s a resource you’ll come back to time and time again as your business grows over the years.

Kyleigh teaches on topics like growing an authentic doula business, self-mastery, autonomy, advocacy, and supporting physiological birth… and we brought in over 30+ industry experts to share their wisdom with you, too!

✨ An In-Depth Education on Physiological Birth

In this comprehensive module, you’ll find 12 in-depth lessons on female anatomy, pelvic dynamics, labor progression, fetal positioning, labor positions, birth hormones, psyche, and more!

If you’re a birth nerd like me, you’ll love learning all about: 

  • ✅ What’s happening in the woman’s body throughout the entire labor process...

  • ✅ The mother-baby dyad and how the baby is an active participant in birth...

  • ✅ The fluidity of the birth process and so much more!

✨ ONE YEAR FREE Inside Our Kickass Community & Multiple Live Zoom Calls Per Week

Not only will you be starting this journey with Kyleigh by your side, but you’ll also be joined by an amazing community of women who will cheer you on and support you through it all. We have a private group on Facebook, so you can easily connect with other women throughout your time in the program.

You’ll be invited to join your mentors on Zoom up to three times per week for group coaching sessions to help get you unstuck. This program goes beyond birth and deep into personal development (plus business strategy and growth). These weekly coaching sessions are the perfect opportunity to focus on what's holding you back so you can walk away with an action plan to move forward toward your goals, whatever they look like! You’ll leave every session with a step-by-step plan to find your dream clients and take your doula business to the next level.

✨ My Best Business Tips and Templates

You won’t leave this program thinking, “Wait, what do I do next?” because I’m giving you the entire framework to take what you’ve learned (plus our customizable childbirth education curriculum) and curate the perfect in-person doula packages and online childbirth education offers for your community!

You’ll be ready to support birth and postpartum, plus you’ll know the exact steps you need to take to build an in-person childbirth series, pre-recorded online birth course, group coaching program, or host live workshops on Zoom… YES! —You’ll be able to follow my exact steps as you plan and create your very own educational programs and sell them to women across the world!

We will cover everything from recording and editing 👉🏻 to pricing and selling your amazing creations and so much more!

✨ Completely Customizable Childbirth Education Curriculum

Most childbirth educator training programs give you a single PDF document and call it a “curriculum.” But because I am 100% committed to making this as easy as possible for you… I’m giving you unlimited lifetime access to my entire DONE-FOR-YOU curriculum to mix, match, and curate into your perfect childbirth education offer.

Our comprehensive CBE curriculum includes:

  • Easy-to-digest material broken down into multiple modules and lessons… (over 43 different topics!)

  • Word-for-word scripts (easily editable in Google Docs)... 

  • Completely customizable slides in Canva — Easily add your brand colors in seconds!

  • Dozens (and dozens and dozens) of PDF printouts for your future clients and students…

Are you ready to start your sustainable, profitable, passion-driven doula and childbirth education business?

What exactly is included with the done-for-you curriculum?


For each lesson, you’ll get a link to a separate Google Doc, which means these scripts are 100000% customizable. You absolutely do NOT need to follow our curriculum scripts exactly as they are. Instead, you can use them as a starting point and add your personal flare, humor, and stories. Lesson length ranges from 10-60 minutes depending on the topic. Click here for an example script.


Every single lesson comes with a link to a Canva slide deck template. In a few simple clicks, you can add your logo and brand colors to make these completely on-brand for your business. Wanna switch up the slides? No worries! We’ve made it super easy for you to take what you love, leave what you don’t, and make the perfect presentation for your students. Click here for an example slide deck.


Most lessons come with completely customizable PDF handouts for you to give your students. Each is completely different depending on the lesson topic. You’ll get access to these through a Canva template, which means you can add your logo and brand colors PLUS tweak them to make them perfectly on-brand BEFORE giving them to your students or adding them to your birth course. Click here for an example PDF handout.

“One of my biggest wins was learning how to make the business side of things easier.

The Birthworker Academy helped me get my foundations down and helped me not be so consumed with the business side of things. 

I was able to focus more on supporting women rather than trying to build my business because business isn’t my passion; supporting women is!”

— Courtney Hellyer

“I knew right after my own birth experience — and having my own Doula — that this is my path and my passion… 

…But joining Birthworker Academy gave me the tools and the confidence to start my business and make it a true business. 

Without the Birthworker Academy, it would have taken me years!”

— Rachel Vangstad

Choose your option below to get started TODAY!…👇🏻



$970 $375

⭐️ SAVE $2,794 ⭐️


$5,291 $4,000


Still stuck on whether this program is right for you?

Schedule Your FREE 15-Minute Breakthrough Call

You’ll meet on Zoom with one of our team members, where you’ll have the opportunity to dive into your goal of becoming a doula & childbirth educator! From there, we will point you in the right direction…

©The Autonomy Mommy Privacy | Terms | Disclaimer Photos by Rivkah Leah Gelb