How to Make Your Doula Instagram Go Viral, And Why It's Not As Great As You Think

Have you ever wondered if making your doula Instagram go viral is truly the ultimate goal for your birthworker journey?

If you’re ready to discover the truth about making your doula Instagram go viral and the unexpected consequences that come with it, then get out a pen and paper, this episode is for you!

In this episode, we dive into the following:

  • Going viral as a doula does not necessarily translate to money in your pocket…

  • Finding your people online vs ALL people(not everyone’s your dream doula client)...

  • How to get better quality engagement on your doula Instagram posts...

  • … and a whole lot more!

If you're tired of dreaming about going viral on your doula Instagram, then you wanna listen up!

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Grow your income and make a lasting impact on the global birth community (even when you’re not on call for a birth). faves

Learn 12 ways to grow your impact (and make more money) as a doula even when you're not on call.

Systems I use behind the scenes in my doula business to make my life easier.

Go from side-gig doula to full-time birthworker... so you can impact lives all across the world.

more episodes for you...

Meet your host, Kyleigh Banks, a side-gig doula turned CEO of a multi-six-figure birth-focused business. Her passion? Teaching birth nerds, like you, how to build an incredibly successful doula business that allows you to quit your day job, stay home with your kids, and most importantly, make a lasting impact on the world. 


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