Mapping Our The Year And Planning Your 2024 Goals For Your Doula Business

Is your #1 goal of 2024 to grow your doula business?

If yes, and you're ready to hit the ground running, then get out a pen and paper; this episode is for you!

Every Friday, I answer your biggest questions right here on the podcast.

The 3 questions we answer in today’s episode are:

  • How should I go about things like freebies, workshops, paid ebooks, mini-courses, and a big childbirth course?

  • Any suggestions on what I can do to grow so that I can step back into my role as CEO and overseer?

  • What are a few Podcasts you love to listen to? Why? And what have you learned from them?

To submit a question for next week’s podcast, click here.

If you're tired of doing "all the things" in your doula business, then you wanna listen up!

Resources Mentioned:

>> Check out the Doulapreneur Method, our A-Z business course for birthworkers.

>> Join the Birthworker Community to get coached by me every week!

>> Listen to my top 2 favorite podcasts... Not For Lazy Marketers with Emily Hirsh and The Game with Alex Hormozi

thank you for listening

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a free gift for you!

Grow your income and make a lasting impact on the global birth community (even when you’re not on call for a birth). faves

Learn 21 unconventional ways to grow your impact (and make more money) as a doula even when you're not on call.

Grow a wildly successful and sustainable birth-focused business without burning out!

Go from side-gig doula to full-time birthworker... so you can impact lives all across the world.

more episodes for you...

Meet your host, Kyleigh Banks, a side-gig doula turned CEO of a multi-six-figure birth-focused business. Her passion? Teaching birth nerds, like you, how to build an incredibly successful doula business that allows you to quit your day job, stay home with your kids, and most importantly, make a lasting impact on the world. 


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