Caitlyn Stow — Certified Childbirth Educator


Flourish Pre & Post Natal Health

I am dedicated to providing birth support that instills confidence in women's natural abilities, facilitates a positive and nurturing environment, and helps women hone their strength and instinctual wisdom during childbirth.

👇🏻 Let’s connect! 👇🏻

Instagram: @flourish.prenatalhealth



In-Person: Serving San Jose and Santa Cruz, in California, USA


I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have a dog and a baby girl born in February 2024! I am born and raised in Santa Cruz County. I am a lover of Jesus, reading, gardening, fitness, and nature. I am extremely passionate in helping women feel confident in their bodies and becoming the best version of themselves.

Starting Flourish was definitely a journey as I started to discover my passions and purpose. While I had grown up playing sports, it wasn’t until I was in high school that I really developed a passion for fitness. I fell in love with weight training, getting stronger, and feeling more confident in myself. My senior year of high school, I knew I wanted to help others feel strong and create a healthy relationship with exercise as well so I got certified as a group fitness instructor. I started teaching a variety of classes like high intensity circuit classes, weight training, spin, and core classes. After getting involved in the fitness industry, I started to learn more about how important proper nutrition is. Holistic nutrition piqued my interest as looking at a person as a whole (not just treating the problem) really resonated with me. I also loved the idea of using food as medicine and to help reach goals. Once I graduated high school I enrolled in Bauman College where I became a certified holistic nutritionist. I started nutrition consulting and realized how great it would be to work with people one on one for fitness and nutrition, which lead me to getting certified as a personal trainer. Since then I have been working with people for nutrition, personal training, as well as teaching group fitness classes.

As I started working with a variety of people, I learned that I really loved working with pregnant women and new moms. I have always had an interest in learning about pregnancy (it was my favorite unit to learn about in college), and I loved helping moms have stronger pregnancies and better labor and deliveries. I started to research the most effective ways to work out while pregnant and postpartum so I could help my clients in the best way. I found there wasn’t a ton of specific or helpful information on safe and effective exercise while pregnant. Due to this, I enrolled in a program to become a pre/postnatal fitness specialist where I learned about the importance of training the pelvic floor, specific exercises to help the body adjust to pregnancy, and programs to prepare for labor and delivery.

During my own trying to conceive journey, I started to learn more about birth and wanted to educate myself and husband the best that I could. In doing this, I realized there was a need for advocating for women in all different birth settings, helping women reduce fear around birth, and educating about their bodies and the birth process. In researching ways to do this, I started to learn more about birth doulas and their roles in helping and empowering women through birth and felt called to add doula and birth education services to my role in helping women. I’d say that since then, I’ve become a bit of a pre and postnatal nerd, lol. I love to learn as much as I can about prepping the body for pregnancy and labor as well as training for life with a baby.


While trained and certified as a full-spectrum doula and personal trainer, I felt called to help women have better birth outcomes through prenatal support, education and training to connect mind and body, instilling confidence and empowerment in childbirth.


Check out our comprehensive doula training program, Birthworker Academy, or our Childbirth Educator Training Program if you're ready to start an impactful and profitable career in birthwork!


Christine Becerra — Certified Childbirth Educator


Lindsee McDonald — Certified Doula / Certified Childbirth Educator